RBA Solar

Knowledge Centre


Solar energy is a renewable and sustainable source of power derived from the sun radiation. It is harnessed using technologies like solar panels to generate electricity or heat for various applications.
Solar panels work by converting sunlight into electricity through the photovoltaic effect. Photons from sunlight knock electrons loose from atoms, generating an electric current.
Benefits include reduced electricity bills, environmental conservation, energy independence, and government incentives to promote solar adoption.
The overall cost depends on factors like capacity, brand, and installation.
Incentives include subsidies, tax credits, and net metering to encourage solar adoption and reduce upfront costs
Net metering allows solar panel owners to sell excess electricity to the grid, gaining credits on their electricity bills.
Solar panels typically last 25-30 years with proper maintenance, gradually declining in efficiency over time.
On-grid systems are connected to the grid, while off-grid systems operate independently, relying on batteries for storage.
On average, a 1 kW solar panel system needs about 80-100 square feet of space in India.
Yes, solar panels in India can generate electricity on cloudy days, though with reduced efficiency.
:* ROI varies but is typically realized in 5-7 years through reduced electricity bills.
Minimal maintenance, including regular cleaning and occasional checks for damage, ensures optimal performance.
Yes, a well-designed solar power system in India can meet the energy needs of an entire home.
Consider factors like efficiency, brand reputation, warranty, and budget. Consult a professional for personalized advice.
Solar inverters typically last 10-15 years in India, and their replacement should be factored into long-term maintenance costs.
Maintenance costs in India are generally low, involving occasional cleaning and potential inverter replacements.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on flat roofs in India using appropriate mounting structures.
A professional assessment considers energy consumption, sunlight hours, roof space, and system efficiency.
Solar energy in India reduces reliance on fossil fuels, mitigates air pollution, and lowers greenhouse gas emissions.

Solar Economics

Yes, shared solar installations are possible in India, and the electricity generated can be shared among multiple users.
The pay-as-you-go model allows users to pay for solar energy in installments, making it more affordable in India.
Information on government subsidies is available on official renewable energy websites. Contact the local energy department or a solar consultant for guidance.
RPAs allow consumers to purchase solar power without owning the infrastructure. The provider installs and maintains the system, and consumers pay for the energy produced in India.
Energy-efficient appliances, proper insulation, and smart home technologies complement solar installations, reducing overall energy consumption in India.
Shading analysis tools and professional site assessments can help identify potential shading issues in India and optimize panel placement.
Air pollution can lead to dirt accumulation, reducing solar panel efficiency in urban areas. Regular cleaning and maintenance mitigate these effects in India.
Yes, various government schemes in India promote solar-powered irrigation systems, offering subsidies and financial support to farmers.
Properly sized inverters ensure optimal system performance in India. Undersized inverters can limit power production, while oversized inverters may be inefficient.
Yes, solar thermal systems can be used to heat water in India. These systems capture sunlight to heat a fluid, which is then used to heat water for domestic or industrial purposes.

Solar Maintenance

Regular cleaning, minimizing shading, and ensuring proper maintenance contribute to maximizing solar panel efficiency in India.
Yes, through net metering, excess solar power can be fed back into the grid, earning credits on electricity bills in India.
Solar insurance protects against damage or loss of solar assets. While not mandatory, it provides financial security and is advisable for large installations in India.
Dust and pollution can reduce solar panel efficiency in India. Regular cleaning is essential to maintain optimal performance.
Solar panels perform well in India's sunlight but still generate electricity on cloudy days, albeit with reduced efficiency.
Monitoring systems provide real-time data on solar panel performance. Many inverters come with built-in monitoring, or separate monitoring systems can be installed in India.
Regular checks for electrolyte levels, cleaning, and ensuring proper ventilation are key practices for solar battery maintenance in India.
:* Yes, solar panels are designed to withstand high temperatures. However, proper ventilation and ensuring panels are not in constant direct sunlight during peak hours help maintain efficiency in India.

We'll simplify the entire solar journey for you, ensuring a seamless transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy solutions.

Our focus extends beyond mere energy provision; we aim to enhance and simplify daily living through smart energy solutions. RBA Solar is dedicated to expanding the reach of solar technology across the nation, transforming it into an essential utility for households everywhere. Join us on this journey towards a brighter, sustainable future with RBA Solar.


RBA Solar provides tailored consultations for confident, sustainable transitions to solar energy. Expert guidance included.



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